Aid Refugees Alongside Us
Southampton Action works to support refugees, asylum seekers and other vulnerable groups in Southampton and further afield by collecting donations of clothes, toiletries and other essentials for distribution and by providing practical assistance to refugees.
Our Mission
We passionately believe that all asylum seekers and refugees deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. The support asylum seekers receive from the Home Office is inadequate to ensure a decent standard of living, and we work hard to plug that gap.
We collect donations of clothing, toiletries, household goods and other essential items, which are distributed locally or taken to European refugee camps. We could not operate without the fantastic generosity of our supporters, who are constantly willing to respond to appeals and donate what we need.
Our History
Southampton Action’s roots go back to a decision made in 2015 by a group of local people to “collect some stuff” to send to refugee camps in Europe. From that small beginning our Facebook page now has over 2,000 followers and we support local asylum seekers, refugees and others facing destitution in the Southampton area and Northern France. We are a charity run entirely by volunteers, all of whom have a passion to improve the lives of refugees, asylum seekers and other vulnerable individuals.
Registered charity number 1180540